期刊歸檔用於 2021年5月


2021 Iowa Bioblitz

Hi, folks:
I am new to iNaturalist but I have used similar websites before and the learning curve does not seem too steep. I have also participated in bioblitzes before, but none that have been virtual like this one. Hopefully we can get to a more social setting for bioblitzes in the near future.
Today, May 1 was hot, very windy, and not good for the kind of bug chasing I like to do. Also I stayed close to home and did not get out into what I consider a good habitat. Maybe conditions will be better later in the week.
I am not sure how to link this post to the project but I will try. Please bear with me.


Harlan Ratcliff

由使用者 oarisma oarisma2021年05月02日 01:11 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
