期刊歸檔用於 2022年6月


Microscopic Life in Sphagnum

Some specialized guides prove too irresistable for me. As soon as I discovered the existence of Marjorie Hingley's Microscopic Life in Sphagnum, I had to have it. Sphagnum under the microscope is one of the most structurally bedazzling in the plant kingdom. Hingley's guide provides a methodology and broad guide to groups that can be encountered amongst the leaves. For expediency, I used the squeeze method (literally squeeze the Sphagnum) and then passed it through a paper coffee filter. Below are some of the larger creatures from the squeeze.

由使用者 rambryum rambryum2022年06月13日 18:47 所貼文 | 22 個觀察記錄 | 2 評論 | 留下評論