
09/23/2021 Fall Fungus Foray

For the past several years fall fungi have fascinated me. I have been trying hard to learn my mushrooms but it is a tall order. There are just so many and the guides have keys I find challenging to use. The different guides have different mushrooms then I am not certain I have made a correct ID. But I am trying.

At least I think I have figured out some of the major groups and while I don't think I can get it down to species I can at least get things down to genus sometimes, a few I may have even identified correctly.

I found some sort of false morels growing, they may be the same type just different ages but one was a darker brown than the other and smaller.

There are a number of different types of puffballs growing right now.

Slime molds are pretty abundant this year as well. I am not sure which ones I found today or if all that I called slime molds are slime molds or if some are fungi.

I am pretty sure I IDed King Alfred's Cakes, the eastern black trumpet, wolf's milk, and yellow fairy cups correctly.

由使用者 rangersara rangersara2021年09月24日 03:21 所貼文 | 69 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Fall Fungi Frolic

So, I have decided to do a mushroom program at "Youth in the Outdoors" this year to help me take time to learn more about our local fungi. Since I know how to ID only a handful of species - think you can count them on 2 hands - I took a walk in the woods and tried to photograph and collect some of each of the fungi I found. I brought examples how where I could to try and figure them out.

It isn't easy but I think I am making some progress.

I have four mushroom books:

"Mushrooms Demystified"
"Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America"
"Fascinating Fungi of the North Woods"
and my new favorite "Mushrooms of Northeast North America - Midwest to New England" - A key I can actually use!

It is slow going so if anyone out there can help it would be greatly appreciated.

由使用者 rangersara rangersara2017年09月16日 12:24 所貼文 | 72 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Kids in the Woods

Yesterday the Delta County YMCA day camp Kids in the Woods headed out to the Refuge. This was their second year and we had a great time despite the rain. They spent the day biking, playing games, doing beaver art work, exploring the visitor center, taking hikes, and conducting a pond study.

Pond studies are always interesting and you never know what you are going to find. Together we found quite a few great aquatic invertebrates and a couple of vertebrates too, a central mudminnow and a green/mink frog (I need to work on my ID of the two species I never know unless it calls).

Two of the observations I am completely stumped over. The little reddish worm. I initially thought it was a tubiflex worm but I am not certain if I see some little appendages on the front of the body? The other is a green blob that we find every time we go out, people ask about it every time and I am stumped. Is in an algae? Or something else...

由使用者 rangersara rangersara2017年08月04日 12:16 所貼文 | 17 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


August in the Backcountry of Seney National Wildlife Refuge


Today I took a ride in the back country of the Refuge as I was collecting counter numbers. It seems that many of our early summer flowers have started to seed and the late summer flowers are starting to bloom.

I started at the Visitor Center and drove to the Wigwams then finally up to Driggs River Road where I began to make observations.

The goldenrods are in bloom now or at least starting to bloom. I wish I could tell them apart but they are so difficult. I think I have 2 species mostly down and with little effort I can identify them (grass-leaved goldenrod and Canada goldenrod). Beyond that I have trouble. I need some sort of non-botanist identification key because I always get bogged down in the terminology and give up.

I saw a lot of monarchs but did not make an observation because I couldn't get a photo. The milkweeds are starting to sinesse. I think I read that scientists speculate when this starts to happen a change happens in the development of the monarch caterpillar and it is what may cause the monarch to have it's migratory generation.

There were deer? flies following the car, a whole cloud of them. Every time I opened the window to take a picture a few would fly inside. I only got out a few times because they were so intimidating and they would if not attack one or two would land and bite.

I saw several wood ducks. The males are in eclipse plumage right now and stick out because of their reddish orange beak. A few trumpeter swans. The pairs I saw today had no cygnets with them but I have seen several cygnets on the Refuge. I wonder why not in these locations? Canada geese galore. I finally saw the loon on A Pool and it had 2 chicks. This was the first time I saw in it a long time. Noted a few belted kingfishers, ring-necked ducks, mallards, and 2 great blue herons (I wish I would have seen them earlier because it would have made a great photo but they flew away before I could get the camera). I made an eBird post of the sightings.

I also looked at a few lichens. I am pretty sure they are all reindeer lichens. There were at least 3 colors but I am not sure if this delineates different species or if they are the same species. I would think different species but I am just not sure.

At the end of the trip I stopped and looked at a patch of milkweed and noticed a few little flies there. Some of them were metallic looking. I did manage to get a photo so hopefully someone can help me identify it.

由使用者 rangersara rangersara2017年08月02日 12:17 所貼文 | 12 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論
