
699 Observations Make a Post

I've only recently become active here at iNaturalist. I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

I've gone through all my backlog of digital photos with locations and dates, as well as having made quite a few new observations in the last month or so. All my observations going forward will have to be new ones, I think. Unless I find a few in the backlog here and there that I've missed.

I'm happy to have 699 observations right now. I thought about running outside to do just one more observation solely to make up that 700th, but there's no need. It'll come, as did the Pholcus spider in my shower this morning.

I do have quite a few more images, but their location or their date, or both, has been lost. This is frustrating to me, but I'll deal with that. I'm unhappy that my previous digital camera held the date in an unreadable format. I may be able to work around that with some of the images, so there may be more coming.

One of the things I'm most enjoying about iNaturalist is the "Identify" section. I'm really having fun helping others find identifications for their observations, and learning about my own observations by having the help of others in making identifications for me. My own identifications have become better because of that, and I'm looking forward to continuing to learn.

由使用者 rhole rhole2017年05月05日 22:29 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
