期刊歸檔用於 2020年9月


Lunchtime Fall Stroll

I took a little more time today on my lunchtime stroll, venturing over towards Fitzsimmons Creek and hoping for a little quiet after the buzz of crossing the highway. The creek is quite full and milky after the heavy rains last week and the sight was made all the more lovely with a tinge of fall on the cottonwoods.
The sun is still very warm so it was a pleasant amble and just past Riverside Camp Ground, I was treated to a busy Pika, diving amongst the rocks and popping up further away (reminded me of whacker mole), far too busy for a photo but chanced a few looks my way before disappearing.
Onward to Green Lake and after dodging a barrage of teenagers (I know, I'm not too old to remember how fun it is to be that age), I came across a small group of American Coots - I think some were juveniles but I'm not familiar enough with them and I was a bit too far away.
Picking up the pace a little, or I'll never get back to work!! Still a few flowers around, mostly common tansy, a little hardhack, yarrow, red clover - nice that our pollinators still have something to.........pollinate!
Back over the highway, always happier when I'm back in the vegetation and here I find a young Douglas Squirrel, bounding across the path and then playing peek-a-boo with me from behind a giant Sitka Spruce - so cute. The fireweed is pretty much finished flowering over this side and all that's left is the fluffy tops - one decent breeze and off they float.
Passing the golf course it occurs to me that it just looks too neat and I much prefer the rambling scenery of a forest. Back down the last path towards work and I'm treated to the waft of Western Red Cedar, which is still a little damp down lower to the ground, where the forest is still quite thick - beautiful.
Fall is my favourite time of year!

由使用者 roslynmohr roslynmohr2020年09月30日 23:39 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
