期刊歸檔用於 2018年12 月


New Job, Less Opportunities

I was hired into a new job July 2 this year, so May was my last spate of observations, not that I enter very many anyway. I will continue as I can, but I travel now and as I typically fly, I don't bring my camera. Since I work in industrial facilities I just don't see too many opportunities anyway.
The exception is my current job site in Texas. There is a small herd of about whitetail deer, around 7 generally seen together, that hang around the entry drive of the facility. They seem to have no fear of vehicles. I have tried taking photos with my IPhone, but the results never seem worth entering. Besides, they are there every day, so it's no big deal.

There are also a truly tremendous number of vultures that assemble around the plant, and perch on the high superstructures. One day a couple of weeks ago I tried to count them. I couldn't keep track of them, there were so many, continuously wheeling around in the sky. I believe there were at least 50 or 60. I see it every day and still can't get over it. They are obviously breeding well, and so must be eating well. But what could they be eating in such quantities around an industrial site? I haven't been able to determine for sure if they are black vultures or turkey vultures, but I'm pretty sure they are Coragyps, as I have seen them quite close, within 75 or 100 feet, and have never seen a red head yet. Could be both as I have seen Coragyps and Cathartes flock together. That was in a feeding situation though, and this is not.

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