
Shark Watch is a citizen science shark education and conservation program.

Shark Watch
Shark Watch is a citizen science shark education and conservation program.

Reaching youth directly and teaching them about the sharks of the Bay and marine ecosystems, Shark Watch takes it to the field observing and collecting data using the iNaturalist App.

Anyone can participate in Shark Watch and become a citizen scientist! Help us understand the range, movements, distribution and behavior of San Francisco Bay, Tomales Bay and Pacific sharks, skates and rays and assist our data collection on iNaturalist. Follow our new Shark Watch blog at SharkStewrads.org on local shark species.

Join scientists and our ambassadors collecting shark observations, assisting shark research, and learn about sharks, skates and rays using the App on iPhone or Droid.

The program extends across California and the diver network is observing and on observations sharks throughout California and the world. This program, supported by the California Academy of Sciences is also international adding to the Smithsonian Encyclopedia of Life and is part of Ocean Sanctuaries Data Collection network.

HOW Download the Free iNaturalist Droid or iPhone app and start today! After downloading the free App, you can use your phone to record observations of sharks, skates and rays or access the web site directly. If you dont know the kind of shark, the application will identify it for you. Shark captures, catch and release observations and human – shark encounters are also logged into this data base.

Volunteer Tom Law releases tagged Brown Smoothound Shark, Paradise Cove

CAS LogoCoastalConservancypatagonia

Sign up on the iNaturalist web site here, or enter information, directly on the website.

Take a picture and provide the following information:

Location, (smart phones with GPS will record this)
Species (if known- pictures in database can identify, or we can help)
Washed up dead or alive,
If fishing note released alive, dead or taken for consumption
other interesting notes
Human shark encounters
ocean sanctuaries


The information will go towards manuscripts documenting the presence of skates, rays and sharks of the San Francisco Bay to help us better understand and protect sharks.


Shark Watch Ambassadors- learn about our education program bringing youth to the Bay and teaching about sharks and Bay marine ecosystems hands on. Contact us to participate in the program.


Contact us if you have a sighting or for more information. Support Shark Watch.


由使用者 sharksteward sharksteward2015年04月10日 20:43 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
