期刊歸檔用於 2021年8月


In the Sibelius Forest

The Sibelius Forest (Sibeliuksen metsä) lies just to the north of Hämeenlinna, the Finnish town where the composer Sibelius grew up. A nature trail follows places where he liked to walk in his youth and was inspired to compose pieces such as Finlandia, which gave the Finns their memorable national anthem. The climax of the walk comes at the top where a rocky outcrop gives a spectacular view onto Lake Aulanko far below. Today a family of black-throated divers could be seen on the lake and woodpeckers could be heard drumming. Pine trees held Crested Tits and some other shy passerines which remained unidentified. Another rich habitat is along the lakeshore near the car park for the Forest, where birds included a Lesser Whitethroat and a Tree Pipit.

由使用者 stephenmatthews stephenmatthews2021年08月05日 18:42 所貼文 | 5 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論