Lycium flowers

Lycium exsertum is flowering again locally, giving an opportunity to observe pin and thrum heteromorphy. The same condition can also be seen in L. fremontii flowers.

由使用者 stevejones stevejones2024年02月09日 15:36 所貼文


Steve, Help me to better understand this concept ….

發佈由 khajek 3 個月 前

Did you follow through to the link?
It's explained there. If you still have any questions, let me know.

發佈由 stevejones 3 個月 前

Here's a short article about it that postulates that pin-and-thrum conditions promote cross-pollination. Seems feasible.

發佈由 stevejones 3 個月 前

The plant scientist link helped me a bit more. Thank you.

發佈由 khajek 2 個月 前


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