期刊歸檔用於 2017年4月


Green Valley Watershed NABS: Visit #3

April showers have arrived in bountiful amounts! As the weather continues with the rain, local flora and fauna attempt to adapt to such a divergence from the past few years of drought. Despite these confusing environmental cues, our local perennials have flowered including Maianthemum racemosum and Toxicodendron diversilobum. Some have even transitioned to fruiting like Trillium ovatum and Cynoglossum grande. Our deciduous trees continue to fill their branches with new leaves, gradually obscuring the occasional bunch of Phoradendron lurking within the branches of native oaks.
As the rains continue to trickle in over the next few weeks, hopefully more water will go towards recharging our groundwater supplies than running off, causing erosion and sedimentation of our waterways. A flush groundwater supply will help to maintain our perennials throughout the (probably) dry summer months that loom ahead. As it stands now, these continued rains and cool weather have prolonged the mushroom season, I still find fungi stimulated to fruit popping up beneath the duff. I am also curious to see if there will be an extra bountiful crop of fruits this season or if the ample rains so interfered that pollination was not as successful. Fingers are crossed for pollinators being able to gain necessary nectar as they unknowingly work for the plants, which can then produce fruits to further entice animal helpers to eat and spread the seeds, continuing their life cycles as we currently know them.

由使用者 summershay summershay2017年04月12日 18:23 所貼文 | 4 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
