
GGNRA BioBlitz March 28th 2014

All observations were made by Adam Schneider and Susan Fawcett, and specimens were collected of many of these species and will be deposited in the Jepson Herbarium at UC Berkeley. All observations were made in the vicinity of Slide Ranch, the first few to the north, along Highway 1 near the border of the GGNRA and before Mount Tam State Park, and the following 44 or so from along the trail beginning at the Muir Beach lookout headed towards Slide Ranch from the south. Because of the drought, there was a lackluster display of native wildflowers, but we did document many weeds! The highlight of the day was a bobcat near Slide Ranch that was ostensibly checking out the newborn lambs. The GPS locations seem to be way off, probably due to poor reception and the inherent shortcomings of georeferencing by smart phone. None of these observations were from San Mateo county as the records would suggest.

由使用者 susanfawcett susanfawcett2014年04月01日 03:12 所貼文 | 27 個觀察記錄 | 4 評論 | 留下評論
