期刊歸檔用於 2022年5月


Oconoee Bells

Oconoee Bells 3/31/22 - Highlands Biological Station

The river doesn't know
The hemlock still sway
Rhododendron will grow
And this log will decay

The stream doesn't know
That my heart is swollen with pain
It still rolls down the rock
Just like every other day

The hemlock don't care
That I despise this mortal coil
Their objective is to survive
Clinging to the soil

Rhododendron will spread
Once I get out of the way
For only when I die
Will they get to see the sunny day

And I will lie in Oconoee Bells
As the black-bellies climb in my ears
Ans the pebbles'll flow down to Georgia
On the river of my tears

由使用者 taylertheking taylertheking2022年05月16日 19:22 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Shooting Star, Death Wish

Shooting Star, Death Wish - 4/6/22 Mount Diablo

I saw a shooting star today!
But it erupted from the ground
And was accompanied by golden ray
And to nowhere it was bound

It was a flower, I jest
The name a peculiar thing
But I saw it as I rest
My head in this earthen sink

And the poppies fill my nose
With sleep, but not enough
To make my eyes close
As the candle snuffs

I can't enjoy the nature
All I can think of is death.
If only the green could cure
So I could enjoy every breath.

由使用者 taylertheking taylertheking2022年05月16日 19:26 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Like the Redwoods Do

Like the Redwoods Do - 4/9/22 Trillium Falls

You think the world is burning
When your house is on fire
Trying to tell the weather
Hanging from a wire

Etch my name
Into a tree
So strangers can learn
And then forget me

You won't know I'm charred
Till you open me up
Like a dormant volcano
That'll never erupt

I hope I survive
When the fire comes through
So I can tell my tale for centuries
Like the Redwoods do.

由使用者 taylertheking taylertheking2022年05月16日 19:32 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
