
Why should we protect the marsh? And why is INaturalist helping?

I think that we have to protect the marsh because we have to see which species of animals are still surviving in the marsh to protect them and to warn the people that are littering to tell them that they're are endangered species and to save them from disappearing. I think we should take good care of the marsh because they're are a lot of species that are endangered and we should save them.

由使用者 teadthescientificbear teadthescientificbear2016年11月23日 19:18 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Boat ride October first 2016

This boat ride was very fun. We saw about 20 seals, 5 humpback whales. We also saw 10 minke whales and 2 small jellyfish. We were on the boat for about 3 hours of amazing memories.

由使用者 teadthescientificbear teadthescientificbear2016年10月04日 18:16 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

At the beach October 1st 2016

Well, this was also an amazing experience. But, it was a little different. We were now on a beach very close to water. Most people got there sox or there pants soaking wet.
I also got my sox soaking wet. It was horrible! My feet were freezing!!! Let's continue on the story. So, we found tonnes of little shrimps on the coast. It was over populated of shrimps! We also found a sea urchin. We also found some pretty big tadpoles. And then we walked back to are bus.

由使用者 teadthescientificbear teadthescientificbear2016年10月04日 18:12 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
