期刊歸檔用於 2018年3月


Useful websites for identifying vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes, and fungi in the U.S.

Here is a list of websites I have found useful for identifying vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes, and fungi I have observed in the U.S. (Some of these databases are also useful for observations in Canada, Mexico, and Central America.) Most of the databases at these websites may be searched by genus or species at the country, state, or county level.

The Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria offers "tools to locate, access and work with a variety of data, starting with searching databased herbarium records... Initially created with financial assistance from the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, the consortium is growing to extend its network to other partners within North America." (http://bryophyteportal.org/portal/)

The Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria (CNALH) is a "suite of data access technologies and a distributed network of universities, botanical gardens, museums and agencies that provide taxonomic and environmental information. Initially created to integrate databases between Arizona State University and the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden, the consortium is growing to extend its network to other partners within North America." (http://lichenportal.org/portal/index.php)

The Mycology Collections data Portal (MyCoPortal) is a "suite of user-friendly, web-based data access technologies to aid taxonomists, field biologists, ecologists, educators, and citizen scientists in the study of fungal diversity. The data are derived from a network of universities, botanical gardens, museums, and agencies that provide taxonomic, environmental, and specimen-based information. Using the Symbiota (http://symbiota.org) system of virtual online floras, these data are directly accessible to dynamically generate geo-referenced species checklists, distribution maps, and interactive identification keys, all linked with a rich collection of digital imagery documenting fungal diversity of North America."

The SouthEast Regional Network of Expertise and Collections (SERNEC) is a "consortium of 233 herbaria in 14 states in the Southeast USA." (http://sernecportal.org/portal/index.php)

Flora of North America (FNA): A work in progress, the Flora of North America Project "will treat more than 20,000 species of plants native or naturalized in North America north of Mexico, about 7% of the world's total. Both vascular plants and bryophytes are included. Species descriptions are written and reviewed by experts from the systematic botanical community worldwide, based on original observations of living and herbarium specimens supplemented by a crucial review of the literature. Each treatment includes scientific and common names, taxonomic descriptions, identification keys, distribution maps, illustrations, summaries of habitat and geographic ranges, pertinent synonomy, chromosome numbers, phenology, ethnobotanical uses and toxicity, and other relevant biological information." (http://floranorthamerica.org/introduction)
Note that FNA includes distribution data but limits searches to family, genus, or species. To search the FNA database, visit: http://www.efloras.org/flora_page.aspx?flora_id=1.

由使用者 terit terit2018年03月01日 16:22 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論
