期刊歸檔用於 2019年1月


Visit to Waiohine Gorge

Enjoyable trip to the Waiohine Gorge campsite for a few hours. Should have taken more photos/obs!
由使用者 tim-mcnamara tim-mcnamara2019年01月07日 02:00 所貼文 | 1 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Day Trip to Remutaka Forest Park

Didn't spend a great deal of time observing, but did manage to take a few photos while kids were paddling in the Catchpool Stream.

由使用者 tim-mcnamara tim-mcnamara2019年01月13日 21:15 所貼文 | 10 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Fairy House Hunt

The reserve contains several "fairy houses" that have been placed at the foot of many mature trees by local school kids. If you have children of your own, taking them for a walk through the loop track is a fun activity.

The loop track takes about 30min long to complete. It's a well formed track that's easy to follow, but includes some uphill. Parking is available at the road side.

由使用者 tim-mcnamara tim-mcnamara2019年01月15日 01:48 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Camping in Greytown

After last weekend's trip to the Remutaka Forest Park, we decided to be a little braver this weekend. Went over the hill to the Greytown Campground. It's a great camp ground for kids, nestled next to a playground, outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts and what appears to be a very well maintained cricket pitch.

Highlight of the place for me though was the Soldiers' Memorial Park. It's a remnant of former lowland native bush. Many of the trees are hundreds of years old. The totara and matai are especially impressive. I think I encountered the largest kōwhai I've ever seen. If you're passing by along SH1, it's well worth a stop.

由使用者 tim-mcnamara tim-mcnamara2019年01月21日 04:12 所貼文 | 30 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
