False mermaid rediscovered in Vermont

The flowering plant known as false mermaid (Floerkea proserpinacoides), previously thought to be extirpated in Vermont, has been rediscovered. For a detailed account, see: vtdigger.org 2024-05-30

Quoting from New Flora of Vermont (2015):

Floerkea proserpinacoides Willd. False mermaid. Floodplain forests along low-gradient rivers; rare. No recent collections (1903) and perhaps extirpated. Chittenden Co.: Shelburne (Pringle). Rutland Co.: Castleton (Oakes, GH); Fair Haven (Oakes, GH). Of significant conservation concern, should it be rediscovered. This species has a large range in the West and extant populations occur in Quebec, New York, and Connecticut.

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