
Fireberry Hawthorn

Despite being listed as Vulnerable in PEI (S3 ACCDC ranking), Fireberry Hawthorn (C. chrysocarpa) is the second most observed Hawthorn species in the province, second only to the non-native (but naturalized) Common Hawthorn. Fireberry Hawthorn very closely resembles our native Fleshy Hawthorn (C. succulenta), but can be distinguished from it in the following ways: Fireberry Hawthorn leaves have deeper lobes, which generally resemble deeply toothed serrations; the flowers have 10 or fewer stamens; the thorns are shorter than Fleshy Hawthorn, ranging from 1.5 to 3 inches long; there are no compound thorns; the leaf petioles have small red glands along the edges; and the overall growth habit is that of a shrub with multiple upright stems.

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