期刊歸檔用於 2018年11月


Lake Creek Chilly November Amphibian Watch Nov 10, 2018

This Saturday I had tickets to an evening guitar concert, so I decided to complete a short visit to Lake Creek Dam that still gave me time to get to downtown Austin.
Thank you Bill Dodd for coming out to help me complete an abbreviated monitoring session this month. We spent just 30 minutes taking environmental measures and doing a bit of listening.

Environmental Conditions (at 17:30):
Air Temp: 9.5C
Water Temp: 13.9C
Sky: 2 (coudy)
Water Level: MAA++ (Overflow)
Relative Humidity: 45%
Yet again, we had a rain event in the previous week, so a thin layer of water was running over the top of about 80% of the dam.

General Observations:
It was cold enough that we did not even see the usual water snakes hunting at the bottom of the dam. The whole area had very little movement or activity, just water flow noise.

Amphibian Watch Report:
We listened at the dam area for 15 minutes and then checked the limestone wall for 15 minutes.

We did not detect any amphibians at the dam and did not see any of the usual amphibians or even reptiles in the wall cracks.

由使用者 weathergaltx weathergaltx2018年11月29日 16:23 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論