期刊歸檔用於 2013年10月


An Amazing Day Well-Lived

I am just going to say up-front that the correct pronunciation of "short-lived" rhymes with hived. Long i sound, wived, chived, lived. Conversely "short-lived" like "he lived for a short time" - short i - doesn't make sense gramatically. "lived" is a verb there, and short is an adjective, not an adverb. You would never say, "I lived short." the life is short - like leaf and leaved,: the plant is short-leaved. Mule deer are short-lived.

Today I saw two new life-birds and they were fantastic: My friend Everett and I went out to Abbot's Lagoon in the POint Reyes National Seashore to see two bird species. One of those was the reported lapland longspurs. And we found them. We saw at least three. My first longspur. It was beautiful. I knew it was unusual because it had a streaky back, in contrast to the American pipits it was with, which have mostly unmarked, brown or gray backs. And then the other field marks of the longspur became apparent: the brown auriculars. The light breast and the buffy supraloral stripe over the eye. But mostly you see the really ruddy feathers in the wing. Primary coverts are red-brown. Foxy. The one I saw was eating the heck out of some leaves of a dock or a sagebrush. He ran in little spasmic dashes from one bit of cover to another I was amazed at how fast he (guessing sex, i really dont' know) could run. You got the sense that here was a bird who spent a lot of time running around on the ground. Amazing speed, really.

The other bird we wanted to see was a few reported red-throated pipits. We never saw them. But I did discover 2 Pacific golden plovers. My first. They were AWESOME. Really, totally satisfing views of two birds in fall plumge, golden backs shining, black eyes, long legs, kind of dove like, but sticky to the ground, like they really did not want to fly. I went ninja photographer mode and got pretty close and took, like 100 pictures. About which, sad. I lost about 600 pictures from my camera during a data transfer gone wrong; Gone ferruginous hawk pictures, of perching and getting ridden out of the meadow by 4 ravens pictures. Gone giant lupine. Gone, pacific golden plovers. Gone sunset coyotes and fog light ant ghosts and gone golden deer, fog frogs, and wishful panning shots. I have you in my mind, even if the images are gone. It's a hard blow. I"m bummed.

由使用者 wildmarin wildmarin2013年10月27日 06:20 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論

In which I reply to my own journal post from August 13

You're right, Todd. You made it out to the blue-footed booby at Gull Rock south of Stinson Beach. You found that incredible bird on a rock covered with over a thousand other birds - packed, packed with pelicans, carpeted with cormorants, with pelagic, double-crested, and almost certainly Brandt's. You got a picture, rather fuzzy but sincere. And you put it on iNaturalist. way to go.

由使用者 wildmarin wildmarin2013年10月27日 06:49 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Beautiful images

Beautiful pictures chosen when sparks fly.

1 of the day



Symbolic name with cool organism
http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/443171 for Facebook fans

Yoga goddess

由使用者 wildmarin wildmarin2013年10月29日 06:58 所貼文 | 1 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
