期刊歸檔用於 2023年2月


iNaturalist query for Listed Macrolichens in the PNW


Caveat: this queries for any species listed in WA, OR, BC in any of those areas; if a species is listed in BC but not in WA, observations in WA will still show.

To get this I:

There's a few taxa I couldn't find on iNat:

  • Leptogium umpquaense
  • Scytinium quadrifidum

Edit 08/30/2023: Added some previously missing species (Sticta torii, Scytinium siskiyouense)

由使用者 wweellll wweellll2023年02月16日 18:39 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
