I am extremely fascinated in grasshoppers but no guide will actually give a list or rough idea of what be in the area. So as I capture grasshoppers, I will add species as I go.
Notes Referring to Genera:
Oceanthus (Tree Crickets) are influx.
Pristoceuthophilus (Type of Camel Crickets) are understudied and it is currently unknown which species occur in Oregon, except P. sargentae which was described in Oregon.
Gammarotettix (Type of Camel Crickets) are understudied and though specimens have been found, no species have been confirmed.
Stenopelmatus (Jerusalem Crickets) are understudied and many are underscribed. Could be as many as 50 species in Oregon.
Ceuthophilus (Type of Camel Crickets) are understudied and it is uncertain which of 60 or so species live in Oregon besides C. perplexus.
Steiroxys (Type of Shieldback) likely have many undescribed species and taxon revision is needed.
Steiroxys borealis 尚未有預設照片。 現在新增一個
Idiostatus goedeni 尚未有預設照片。 現在新增一個
Idiostatus rehni 尚未有預設照片。 現在新增一個