Take a picture of each of the species on this checklist by looking for them around the resort. Some are much more challenging than others so don’t feel bad if you don’t get all of them.
I highly recommend that you use a smartphone to take the pictures and upload the photos to the app iNaturalist to help you identify the species that you took a photo of, and to keep track of your observations. The app “Seek” by iNaturalist is also very good for identifying living things by pointing your phone camera at them. However, it can be slow to identify things that might move away quickly so for those you’re better off just using your camera and uploading to iNaturalist for identification afterwards. Try them out and see what you learn!
If you go searching under rocks and logs, make sure to return the rocks and logs to the state you found them in. As if you were never there.
If you handle any animals, make sure you do so safely (for you and the animal) and return them to where you found them when you’re done.