This is a list of the rescue-worthy species we've identified or suspect might be found in part of the possible path of phase 2 of Austin's Northern Walnut Creek Trail.

This list includes only native species that would be useful for habitat restoration projects. Most of these species listed are difficult to obtain commercially. A few, while not particularly rare or valuable, are easy to rescue—for example, as cuttings.

In your observation forays, be on the lookout for other populations of these species. We would like to know the areas to send people to for these particular species when it's time to do a rescue.

When construction of the trail is complete, we intend to use the plants we propagate from the plants rescues to restore the same species with the same genetic background to the area disturbed.

We will update this list as we identify more species that are worth looking for and, if found, rescuing. If you have an idea of a species we should try to find, contact @baldeagle here in iNaturalist.
