Nelson Wisnik

加入於:2015 5 月 22 最近活躍:2024 10 月 26 iNaturalist

I am a physicist. In the sixties I was a citizen scientist for AAVSO, observing sunspots to evaluate the level of activity of the Sun.
Now I am a citizen scientist interested in the nature as a whole, recording my observations mainly in the "INaturalist".
I have a boat in the central amazon region, in which I lived from 2002 to 2008. Since then I spend about three to five month a year traveling in the region.
Adicionally, I had been a volunteer for environmental education for children in the ARIE Mata Santa Genebra (an Area of Relevante Echological Interest - Mata Santa Genebra, a fragment of the Atlantic Rain Forest, in Campinas SP, Brazil)
