Emil B

加入於:2019 5 月 22 最近活躍:2024 6 月 16 iNaturalist

Marine biologist who likes benthic organisms and macrozooplankton.

MSc in marine sciences from Gothenburg university, with a focus on marine biology. My thesis was about the effects of mussel farming on the epibenthic macrofauna.

I love scuba diving, snorkelling and underwater photography and usually dive in the areas around Gullmarsfjorden on the Swedish west coast.
I primarily focus on marine species of the Nordic countries when doing identification due to the Nordics being my home-turf.

Currently, I work as faunistics consultant on a project regarding the creation of a AI for automatic detection and annotation of benthic objects in the Koster marine national park.

On my blog, you can find the tales of my adventures here on my dive sites.
