Nicole Michel

加入於:2020 4 月 28 最近活躍:2024 5 月 20 iNaturalist

I’ve always been an outdoors girl, ever since I could move I’d be outside helping animals, inspecting insects, touching EVERYTHING outside with a large amount of curiosity. I love my backyard wildlife/wilderness its my life! I’ve always felt I had an unexplainable connection to nature/animals.

Today even as I type this I’m outside, ALWAYS OUTSIDE! I don’t like being inside at all, & I never have. I work outside, eat outside & pretty much do everything outdoors. If it’s raining!? Awesome! I’m outside! If it’s -30°F & snowing?! Awesome! I’m outside!

I still have the excitement & curiosity of a toddler in nature, inspires me so much. Especially the little “normal, run of the mill, daily” things most don’t care to notice, I’m taking note and loving every second.

A quote that I feel very connected to:
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.”

  • A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Being in nature reminds me that life is so beautiful & precious, and it inspires me to live with more intention.
