
加入於:2023 3 月 14 最近活躍:2024 7 月 02 iNaturalist

Attorney & environmentalist. Fortunate to have free time to spend on iNaturalist - it's crazy how much more accessible this stuff has gotten across the last couple decades. Generally based in Kansas, USA.

Current ID Leader for research-grade USA observations in the following plant orders: amborellales, berberidopsidales, bruniales, chloranthales, icacinales, metteniusales, paracryphiales, trochodendrales, and vahliales! That's 17% of all flowering plant orders. You are, too, as there are no research-grade USA observations for those orders! Way to go!

Virtually unknown author of the not-fully-debunked (you may disagree) Dandelion Manifesto.

Who knows? Maybe it's easy, but I sure don't know what it is - and I'd love to find out!

Prior mysteries:
American Sycamore
Multiflora Rose
Black Horse Fly

My saddest, most lonely unconfirmed observation:
Is this not the lovely Longleaf Pondweed? You tell me!

Most outrageous ID confirmation:
This Mayapple. No way I would have learned enough to ID something like this without iNaturalist!

Cutest photo I've seen on iNaturalist:
OMG JUST LOOK. Totes adorbs, as I like to say when I want my wife to mock me.
Cutest Photo Update: This one and this one have also come to my attention.

comradejon 沒關注任何人。