Dan Bishop

加入於:2016 8 月 06 最近活躍:2024 6 月 09 iNaturalist Australia

Hi, I’m Dan. I’ve been hooked on nature pretty much from the age of 3, when according to my parents I spent a lot of time chasing grasshoppers (aka “grassapoppers” going by reports of my pronunciation at the time). I’m not so much into grassapoppers these days, but I do get a kick out of other invertebrate observations (spiders and Odonata especially) and lately I’m massively into birds. I am admin for the “Toowoomba LGA” project, which collects all observations within the confines of Toowoomba Regional Council, so please join if you’re a Toowoomba-ite or interested in the area. If you're into birds and also interested in what we have in the Toowoomba LG area, please join the "Birds of Toowoomba Region" project.
