Fernanda Vasquez-Valverde

加入於:2020 5 月 13 最近活躍:2020 11 月 18 iNaturalist

I'm a biologist from the National University of Colombia and a current Master's student at the entomology department at Virginia Tech. My research focuses on Millipede's taxonomy, systematics, and Phylogenetics, I have worked on Juliphorm millipedes (Spirobolida, Rhinocricidae) and Polydesmid millipedes as well.

I'm currently working on the Appalachian millipede genus Cherokia, and asking for help to collect specimens if you live in the distribution area. If you are interested I'll send you a collection kit (and a gift!).
Fill up this form and I'll contact you: https://forms.gle/dP13rZdkShWxB9546
More information: https://www.facebook.com/fernanda1206/posts/10223687007388269
