
加入於:2017 3 月 06 最近活躍:2023 5 月 20 iNaturalist

I graduated from UC Davis in 2019 with a BS in plant biology and currently work as a consulting botanist. I have worked professionally as a field botanist and have extensive herbarium experience from working and volunteering at the UC Davis herbarium. I enjoy plant taxonomy research and have worked on Lycianthes (Solanaceae) research. I'm particularly interested in California native plants, especially those that are endemic and rare. I hope to go to graduate school for plant systematics in the near future.

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannahandplants/

My CalPhotos profile (Trying to upload all my photos): https://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/photographer_query?where-name_full=Hannah+Kang&one=T
