加入於:2018 4 月 04 最近活躍:2024 9 月 18 iNaturalist 每月捐款者 since 2021年1月
I earned a B.S. in Botany, but took up computer programming and technical writing instead. I still use the taxonomy training to identify stuff: flowers, animals, creepy things, and whatever I see underwater while scuba diving and snorkeling. I do citizen science projects in Central Texas, USA, and am slowly adding my old travel photos to finally find out what I saw. Here's my list of species: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=table&user_id=jbecky&view=species
Many of my friends took up binge-watching TV shows during COVID lockdown. I took up binge-walking locally to observe my wild neighbors. Here's what I saw in Year One of the pandemic: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2020-03-08&d2=2021-03-07&locale=en-US&order_by=observed_on&place_id=any&preferred_place_id=9853&subview=species&user_id=jbecky&verifiable=any
I like to help identify things. I do a lot of high level sorting, but there are some Central Texas plants, invasive plants, tropical marine fish, and cleaner shrimp I know well. Here’s a list of species I've helped identify: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?ident_user_id=jbecky&place_id=any&subview=grid&view=species