John Zempel

加入於:2018 4 月 17 最近活躍:2022 2 月 21

Just a guy that has always felt a part of nature. I'm a longtime birder, amateur photographer, I try to identify the plants and animals I cross paths with, I believe and practice pollinator/wildlife friendly habit conversation and restoration/rehabilitation, and am a licenced amateur radio operator. I have a BS in Biology and Chemistry from Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI and MS and PhD in Toxicology/Pharmacology from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. I've worked as professional Toxicologist in the chemical and healthcare industry for over 20 years. I more recently retired after 13 years as a high school chemistry and physics instructor. My wife and I own 8 acres in northeastern Kansas, 6 of which we have spent the last 15 years (as of 2021) developing into a pollinator/wildlife friendly habit based on native plants.

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