加入於:2022 8 月 16 最近活躍:2024 9 月 13 iNaturalist
All photographs with phone and clip-lenses prior to December 2023! I use a camera alongside my phone now.
Focuses: Odonata and Papilionoidea. Exploring the diversity of Asilidae in Singapore. Shooting fishes on the side.
Instagram: @loomins_zoomins @loomouts_zoomouts
I graduated with the Diploma in Environmental and Marine Science following a childhood love for nature, and I aspire to be an entomologist. While entomology is my focus, my passion for nature generally spans across other lifeforms, and I especially have an innate love for the aquatic world since young as well. I hope to shed light on Singapore's biodiversity and explore the world by zooming in!