Liszak Kristály 策展人

加入於:2022 5 月 20 最近活躍:2024 7 月 26 iNaturalist

Hey y'all!
My name is Liszak Kristály and I am a student at USF studying botany. I am from Hungary (Kalocsa), but I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I am passionate about Botany, Ichthyology, and Phycology.

Im no expert, but I do have some considerable knowledge of Flora and Ichthyofauna of the Georgia Piedmont and Southern Appalachians.
I am attempting to learn more about that of the Florida Gulf Coast (where I currently reside) and Coastal South Florida.

I can speak my first language Magyar, but I cannot read or write it.
I also have limited Spanish skills if needed. (Tambien tengo capaz de español si es necesito, pero muy limitada)
