Martin Liu

加入於:2019 2 月 28 最近活躍:2024 6 月 07 iNaturalist Canada

University of Victoria - Biology Master Student (2024 - Present)
Botany Student (2022 - 2023)
BSc Biochemistry (2021)

I'm a studying botanist and a plant population geneticist looking at population genetics, phylogenetics, biodiversity, biogeography, and speciation to better biological conservation efforts. I mainly work on native plants of Vancouver Island, and my current research focuses on local lupinus species, specifically Lupinus densiflorus/microcarpus.

Besides research, I am passionate about all plants, from mosses to trees and everything in between.

In my downtime, I care for my growing collection of indoor houseplants (200+ unique species/cultivars/hybrids of succulents, topicals, orchids and aquatics), my native plant garden, and my two tropical community fish tanks.
