Sean A. Higgins

加入於:2015 5 月 18 最近活躍:2024 9 月 28 NaturaLista Colombia

I'm retired from what I used to do. Am in the process of organizing a regional cooperative towards the increased production of cacao and vanilla in order to supplant illicit coca cultivation. 2021 update: we are now working with over 40 farms in NW & Central Pacific Coastal Colombia. Look for our products in the latter part of this year:
COOP "Socios del Pacífico." - "Sembrando Esperanza Desde 2013" ["Socios del Pacífico: Cacao, Vainilla... y más!"]
Currently divide my time between NW Coastal Colombia (municipio of Bahia Solano), La Buitrera (Andes foothills in Cali, CO) and Mountain View, California. I grew up in New York's Hudson Valley (and in the corridors of the American Museum of Natural History, where a friend of my parents, Alan Ternes, was editor of Natural History magazine...) and decided in the late 1960s that my greatest dreams would be fulfilled if I were to become a herpetologist and wind up working with collared lizards in Arizona. Go figure...
