Two Turtles in Port Aransas 2017-05-29

Late afternoon on this Memorial Day I wasn't expecting to observe two turtles in my parents' backyard in Port Aransas! At around 4:30 while reading a book on the back porch I saw something moving in the grass about the size of a gopher or rat. Through my binoculars I could see that it was a turtle, and I got very interested when I could see that it was not a Red-eared Slider.

I walked over to it and took a few photos. My favorite is this one when it was extending its neck to see over the grass around it:

Yellow Mud Turtle (Kinosternon flavescens) - 1

I'm pretty sure it's a Yellow Mud Turtle. Last night we got lots of rain, and a low spot that is sometimes a pond had water in it through he morning. I wonder if this turtle had been underground, and came out after the rain to find a new place to live.

Later at around 5:30 my mom spotted a turtle at the edge of the backyard from her kitchen window. I wondered if it might be the same one, but when I saw it I saw that it had the shape of a box turtle. I walked over to it to take some iPhone photos. As I got close I could hear some crunching, and I saw that it was eating the yellow fruits of a plant. Can anyone identify the plant?

Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata) - 1

The turtle is an Ornate Box Turtle. It's only the second time I've seen one here, and the first was just the remains of a presumably road-killed one. I was happy this one was doing fine!

Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata) - 4

由使用者 mikaelb mikaelb2017年05月29日 23:24 所貼文




黃動胸龜 (Kinosternon flavescens)




5月 29, 2017 15:52 CDT



錦箱龜 (Terrapene ornata)




5月 2017


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


My mom spotted this Ornate Box Turtle from her kitchen window. It was eating the yellow fruits on this plant when I approached it. Does anyone know what the plant is?





5月 29, 2017 17:41 CDT


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


This observation is for the plant in the top left. The Ornate Box Turtle was eating its fruit.


Nice! The plant is some kind of ground cherry, Physalis sp. (tasty to humans as well!). I see a similar one from Port A labeled P. peruviana, but I don't think that's the right species. The leaves on this one look thick and leathery, much like P. angustifolia, but that species apparently doesn't occur in TX.

發佈由 hydaticus 超過 7 年 前

Thanks! I might get more photos of the plant before I leave.

發佈由 mikaelb 超過 7 年 前


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