Cape Ann Area Naturalists Meetup Group

Hi members of the Cape Ann Natural History project!
@aredoubles @gaudettelaura @jim_macdougall @jlayman @robertbuchsbaum31 @srullman @wildlifefinder

If you live around the North Shore, I wanted to let you know about a Meetup group we just started called Cape Ann Area Naturalists ( It's for anyone who wants to explore, learn, share knowledge of local wildlife around different parks, conservation land, beaches etc. on the north shore. We hosted our first meetup a few weeks ago at Chebacco Woods in Hamilton/Wenham and found some cool stuff! We had folks with mixed interests and experience levels, so learned a lot from each other.

If you have any questions or are interested, give me a shout here on iNat or via the Meetup group.

Amy (alorenz)

由使用者 alorenz alorenz2017年06月02日 20:24 所貼文




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