Chippewa County, Michigan Bog visit

Hi All:

Susan and I spent parts of the past two days visiting a black spruce/tamarack bog on Farm Truck Road, west of Paradise in Chippewa County, Michigan.

The plants are now dominated by goldenrods along the road and into the sedges, then cotton grasses in the bogs and fens.

The highlights were dominated by flies coming to the goldenrods. A fly-lover would have been in 'Paradise' (sorry for the pun, that's the closest town just east of here). Flower and bee flies dominated. For me the fly highlight was Hunch-backed bee fly (Lepidophora lutea) - I have never seen so many. I am working through the many bee and flower flies.

A delightful highlight, as always was a Least chipmunk. I love those little guys.

Butterflies were less that I would have liked, but it's always nice seeing a Green comma.

Now back to identifying flies and goldenrods (yeah, I do not care for id'ing them, but the dominate the floral landscape at the moment.) BTW, aster are just getting going.


由使用者 makielb makielb2017年08月22日 14:21 所貼文




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