Moving to Colorado

I haven't been on iNaturalist for awhile because my time has been limited. While in Colorado this summer we decided that Delta, CO, was where we needed to live. Looking for a place to buy kept me too busy to post my observations there. We found a place. Now we are back in Fort Worth and readying our house to put it on the market. Seeing wonderful butterflies in my back yard including the Monarchs on their trip to Mexico, but no time to post observations. One of these days I will be back on iNaturalist and try to catch up on observations. Appreciate that I am getting corrections and comments on observations from the past. Cannot wait to be focused once again on nature. For now, though, onward through the fog to get back to Colorado permanently.

由使用者 taogirl taogirl2017年11月13日 20:47 所貼文



發佈由 lovebirder 超過 6 年 前

We'll I'm going to miss you guys when you move away ☹️

發佈由 naturenut 超過 6 年 前

Judith and Bob and little Tuffy, As you already know. I am going to miss the three of you. Thank you for our laid-back conversations and your easy going ways. Thank you for telling me about Inaturalist also for all the effort and time you put into getting our no mow areas throughout Arcadia Trail Park so insects and wild life of all kinds have a nice place to come to and feed upon the plants to lay their eggs on. Thank you for getting this park on the Inaturalist map. I hope you both enjoy the many different things your eyes will be seeing and your ears will be hearing. Colorado is a beautiful place year round. I hope you find every happiness their as you did hear. I know I can get on this site and you will not be far away. I can't wait to see what you come across when your life gets back on track and you get a little more settled in Colorado. Many blessings to you both and may the sun always be kissing your faces everyday but without the intense heat that comes with it like here. (lol) ✌🏻﹠💙.

發佈由 walkingstick2 超過 6 年 前


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