NYBG EcoQuest January 2018 – Week Two


January 1–14
Most of the seeds have been dispersed from the fruit by now, but the numerous fruit cavities may shelter a variety of insects. Look here for bird and squirrel tracks heading toward a Sweetgum grove on Wards Island. A mass of fallen Sweetgum balls may not please some people, but to a hungry animal in winter they may be very important.

Observations: 86
Places: Bronx, 48; Manhattan, 28; Brooklyn, 6; Staten Island, 3; Queens 1.
Observers (13): @mjstrauss21, 23; @elizajsyh, 14; @susanhewitt, 12; @kenchaya, 9; @sadawolk, 9.

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由使用者 danielatha danielatha2018年01月15日 16:48 所貼文


The sweetgum balls may be hard to walk on, but I find them very interesting and pretty to look at.

發佈由 susanhewitt 超過 6 年 前


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