Y'all Already Know...

Everyone who was on our trip already knows what's coming: It's time to talk about my mallows.

For anyone reading this that was not on the trip with us, just know I was very excited about these little cup-shaped beauties. Searching for them was like a treasure hunt, finding more was a personal challenge (and it kept me engaged with what I was looking at). Learning what to look for, trying to identify them, and doing research here and there kept me busy on long car rides. My favorite tribes are the Malveae and Hibisceae, which is great because they are the largest and most diverse. Lots to learn there.

On the trip, I found Desert Globemallows all over both the Mojave and Sonoran. They grew to be much taller and wider than I expected, but I was glad for it. A species I was not familiar with was the Rock Hibiscus. I found several of these plants on the top of a hill in Anza-Borrego. There were also several types of mallows at the Phoenix Botanical Gardens, soaking up the sun, being cute. Unfortunately, many of the mallows I found didn't have buds yet, but I'm sure that when they bloom, they will be adorable.

Now, wherever I go, bet I will be looking for more mallows. Maybe one day, I will get the hang of them.

livingmybestmallowlife #notobsessed #justexcitable

由使用者 arielac2 arielac22018年03月23日 05:21 所貼文




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