Illinois Native Plant Society 2018 Annual Gathering

June 8-10, 2018, at Governors State University, University Park, IL

An examination of the plants and ecosystems of the southern section of the Morainal and Lake Plain Natural Divisions of Illinois and Indiana

This year’s annual INPS gathering will be hosted by the Kankakee-Torrent Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society in University Park, Illinois with numerous field trips to locations in Illinois and Indiana. Governors State University is about a 45 minute drive from Chicago; many of the field trips are within that driving distance too.

Registration Deadline – June 1, 2018
More information & register:

Field trip options include:
Sand Ridge Nature Preserve
Powderhorn Marsh & Prairie
Indian Boundary Prairies
Clark & Pine
Ivanhoe North
McMahon Woods & Fen
Cranberry Slough
Miller Woods
Cowles Bog
Chicago Ridge Prairie
Sculpture Park
Hickory Creek
Goodenow Grove

Friday social, Saturday membership meeting, banquet, silent auction
Presentation by Gerould Wilhelm
Sedge workshop with Paul Marcum
Native woody plant nursery tour at Possibility Place
Limestone Park Bioblitz

More info on hotel and camping options, nearby amenities, and t-shirts, and registration on the INPS website:

I'm planning on going to Clark & Pine, Ivanhoe North, and of course the bioblitz at Limestone Park. :)

See you there!

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年05月24日 13:41 所貼文


Wilhelm opportunity!

發佈由 giacomolungo 超過 6 年 前

you coming? ;)

發佈由 bouteloua 超過 6 年 前


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