Honeysuckle reinvasion assessment

A quick survey throughout the site was done today for honeysuckle.

In the Arena, and along South and East edges of the solely-Manuka forest, the remaining roots are being treated by pullback and rotting.
Continue treatment weekly and monitor.

In the Apron below the island planting, a few roots remain and are being treated by pullback/rotting together with kikuyu.
Continue treatment weekly and monitor.

Under the solely-Manuka canopy from the Clearing to the Arena, survey revealed only a few remaining light vines and runners, uprooted easily except where embedded in manuka trunks at the ground, or under/through harakeke roots.


On the margins of the clearing, honeysuckle is not obvious but occurrences of small runners may remain.

On the grassed upper edge of the manuka canopy, (previously a kikuyu footpath between two treed areas), large honeysuckle roots remain and are gradually being rotted and removed by pullback (see previous post). Once these are removed, there will be no risk of vegetative incursion of honeysuckle from this side.
Continue treatment and monitor.

In the island planting (harakeke, totara, karamu, manuka, akeake, mapou) some small honeysuckle runners were uprooted today. Ongoing monitoring will be required (as for the Moth plant, of which seedlings continue to be found, as well as a few non-fruited vines hidden in the harakeke and trees). There is unlikely to be honeysuckle in the mown kikuyu from the road to the planting.

There is ongoing honeysuckle invasion from the very vigorous growth up the adjacent bank from the Flame Tree Zone, still involving some trees on the Northern edge of the Arena. This area is to be controlled by the same method with the assistance of a contractor, currently being arranged by the Auckland Council Parks community ranger.
Initiate treatment.

All other areas , where discovered roots are being treated by pullback/rotting until extinction, are expected to require monthly to quarterly monitoring thereafter until removal is complete.

由使用者 kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch2018年07月08日 19:04 所貼文




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