Lake Creek Chilly "Southern Invitational" Amphibian Watch Apr 14, 2018

What is up with our weather this year!! Sheesh. Unseasonably cool, not a cold as February, but definitely a surprise after a nice March outing. Again, like last month, we had a major rain event earlier in the week and rushing water impacted our ability to hear as well as we wanted. Anything calling in the distance would be missed.
Overflow at the dam was extreme, rushing over nearly the entire length of the dam at a depth of 1 to 2 inches Algal mats were gone from the lake above the dam, having washed over the dam top and not even collecting on the cement/limestone stream bed below the dam. That lower creek bed was still flowing bank to bank 3 to 5 inches deep.

This was a special event. We planned for months to have the teams which monitor in south Austin come up to Lake Creek for a visit. The pre-monitoring meal was fabulous. We swapped stories and got reacquainted over Texas comfort food at Kirby Lane North.

We had nine people monitoring - thanks to Kathy and Bill for coming out to co-host our visitors: Jerry Mayfield, Maggie Mayfield, Terrell Moody, Marcia Sims, Josh Henslee, and Jackie Davis.

Environmental Conditions (at 19:55):
Air Temp: 17.7C
Water Temp: 19.1C
Sky: 0 (clear)
Water Level: MAA ++ (Much Above Average - Overflowing)
Relative Humidity: 24%

General Observations:
Since it had rained, we had hopes for seeing water snakes 'fishing' again at the bottom of the dam apron. They have been very clever at waiting in the cracks and riffles for small fish to wash over the dam and helplessly get flushed down the cement. Hmmm, nobody there. Too deep and too fast yet??

Amphibian/Herp Watch Report:
A few Blanchard's Cricket Frogs called occasionally (C1), just often enough for us to get recordings during monitoring period. We heard two different Bullfrogs call, opposite sides of the lake, but did not get recordings. We also heard at least two individual Rio Grande Leopard Frogs call just a few times, again too short and intermittent to get recordings.
We did not visit the limestone wall after the hour monitoring period , since our guests had a long drive ahead to get back home.
Kathy did pick up another Rough Earth Snake beside the sidewalk on the way back to the cars, and we have pictures to share.

It was a fun evening with our guests, but we did not have the customary richness of either amphibs, herps, or other evening sightings that we would normally share on an April night.
Better luch next year when we host another "Invitational".

由使用者 weathergaltx weathergaltx2018年07月18日 01:00 所貼文






4月 14, 2018 20:09 CDT


Intermittent indiv, hard to capture




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