Scrambling Pohuehue planting of perimeter planned for next autumn

Parks Community Ranger has agreed to arrange planting of Scrambling pohuehue (Muehlenbeckia complexa) at approx. 30cm intervals around the permieter of the canopy margins of the site, to prevent litter, dumping, trampling by people and some weed invasions.

Since it would be very difficult to weed through the dense network of vines once the Pohuehue is grown, it will presumably be necessary to have weed-free margins before planting. It has been suggested that there should have been a year of eradication of weeds before the planting.

Any experience of this issue would be welcome.

Wild ecosourced pohuehue is being sought in the catchment.

由使用者 kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch2018年09月10日 06:48 所貼文




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