China - iNaturalist World Tour

Today, we start the sixth week of the iNaturalist World Tour. This week will take us to China and Thailand in Asia, Greece and Austria in Europe, Chile in South America, Israel - our first Middle Eastern country - and Tanzania in Africa.

We start in China. Top observers are well distributed across the country with @huang in Hunan, @thelittleman in Hainan, @ladybird_sunbathing and @qin_huang near Shangai, @huzi0131 near Fujian, @amarzee north of Shanghai, @liuguangyu in Yunnan and @mrfish33 in Guangxi. You can read more about a snail found by @ladybird_sunbathing in this Observation of the Week post.

iNaturalist has been growing rapidly in China. One effort we're aware of is @liuguangyu's use of iNaturalist with visitors to the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden.

@sunwenhao90 is the top identifier in China and also the top insect identifier. @kastani and @johnascher lead plant and bird IDs respectively. Many thanks to other top identifiers such as @kevin_siyuan, @rajibmaulick, and @juhakinnunen.

Have you tried using iNaturalist in mainland China? What has been your experience? Please share them below or on this forum thread

@huang @thelittleman @ladybird_sunbathing @qin_huang @huzi0131 @sunwenhao90 @johnascher @kevin_siyuan @rajibmaulick @juhakinnunen

We’ll be back tomorrow with Greece!

由使用者 loarie loarie2019年07月29日 18:56 所貼文


Thanks @loarie for creating the thread for observers from the mainland China. I think Chinese users have grown rapidly (and sporadically) over the last two years. A full Chinese portal of iNat with the Chinese language would help get more users into the platform.

I'll start with the main problem --- that "" sometimes failed to load when opening on a browser. If someone with expertise in IT has interests in setting up a ".cn" version, that would be extremely useful. Also for Android, since Google Play is banned, Android users have a difficult time finding the App from other App stores.

On the bright side, many Chinese young generation nature lovers are super willing to share and document their findings, nature education is also getting more popular over the past five years. Pretty sure the idea of iNat would be a major attraction for both educators, students, and the general public in China!

發佈由 yixianshuiesuan 約 5 年 前

We recently had a 3 week birding tour of China and were very encouraged by the number of young Chinese we saw with binoculars looking at birds or generally enjoying their nature. They were often very keen to share their sightings and photographs with us (e.g. in Fuzhou forest park).

發佈由 nyoni-pete 約 5 年 前

thanks @loarie. Hope more people from China and other southeast countries will join in to record the biodiversity.

發佈由 liuguangyu 約 5 年 前

I very strongly support the ideas presented by @yixianshuiesuan , and if it was possible for users using".cn" to use different background maps, it would be wonderful and I'm sure there would be a surge in users in mainland China.

發佈由 amarzee 約 5 年 前

@ladybird_sunbathing is now also based in XTBG, that concentrates iNat users!

發佈由 amarzee 約 5 年 前

Thanks @loarie. I started use iNaturalist 2 years ago when I traveled in New Zealand. It's really a good tool and network for the nature love to share their record.

Another Citizen Science APP ebird now also have more users in China. For Android, one very important change is the users can download the ebird APP from the local APP store such as, which they already have more than 2000 times downloads.

發佈由 qin_huang 約 5 年 前

Thank would be a wonderful possibility! Or is there a link where it can be downloaded from a 3rd party, without going through the app store?

發佈由 amarzee 約 5 年 前

I found two iNat App from Chinese local App stores:



But still absent from Huawei and

發佈由 yixianshuiesuan 約 5 年 前

Very nice! Thank you! @yixianshuiesuan

發佈由 amarzee 約 5 年 前

thanks for @amarzee, most of Chinese have difficulty to download andriod app. we should make them easy to down load the new app.

發佈由 liuguangyu 約 5 年 前

indeed! And XTBG is lucky to have you and @ladybird_sunbathing, a lot of good things are uploaded!

發佈由 amarzee 約 5 年 前

Thanks ! One problem I've had in the past is the GoogleMaps-based location finder., which simply doesn't work in China. I always have to have my VPN running while uploading in China for this very reason, which thus makes my uploading process a much slower ordeal. If there ever is a China-based version, one that uses BaiduMaps would make uploading observations a much easier process.

發佈由 thelittleman 約 5 年 前

Great thread and comments. @thelittleman is right about the difficulty with Google Maps-based issues. Thanks for everyone's contributions to observing, identifying, and then hopefully protecting, China's wildlife and wildspaces.

發佈由 mrfish33 約 5 年 前


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