Nalle Bunny Run 2019-09-21

Five folks joined me this morning for the monthly group walk on Hill Country Conservancy's Nalle Bunny Run wildlife preserve. We enjoyed a warm cloudy morning and here are some highlights. Birds were present but much easier heard than seen. Before we even started walking we heard Upland Sandpiper flight calls, evidence of at least one of these birds (and probably more) high overhead flying south. (You can hear their subtle flight call here.) These amazing birds were on their way from the northern states and Canada where they breed to their winter range in middle and southern South America.

As I was showing everyone a map of the preserve two hawks flew over us so I dropped the map to watch them. A juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk was chasing a juvenile Cooper's Hawk back and forth. Both species are year-round residents (although there are more Cooper's Hawks here in the winter.) Different species of hawks recognize each other as competitors and often try to chase each other away. Then a few Chimney Swifts flew over (also on their way south) and we still hadn't even started walking!

As we made a circuit of the preserve, we heard more birds than we saw, including many Northern Cardinals and Carolina Wrens, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Black-crested Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, occasional White-eyed Vireos, and even a few Eastern Bluebirds. Near the northeast corner of the preserve in the sandy prairie area a group of 5 Egyptian Geese flew over us. This escaped exotic species has established itself along the lake in small numbers.

The only bird I managed to photograph was this male Carolina Wren that was singing on top of a post next to the cowbird trap:

Carolina Wren

Here's our complete bird list on eBird.

And below are just two attached observations.

由使用者 mikaelb mikaelb2019年09月21日 23:09 所貼文




異葉假毛地黃 (Agalinis heterophylla)




9月 21, 2019 08:26 CDT


Taken on the monthly group walk on Hill Country Conservancy's Nalle Bunny Run wildlife preserve.



皇葦鷦鷯 (Thryothorus ludovicianus)




9月 21, 2019 09:37 CDT


Taken on the monthly group walk on Hill Country Conservancy's Nalle Bunny Run wildlife preserve.




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