How to know the Texas Arabideae (Genera Draba, Abdra, and Tomostima)

Species of the Tribe Arabideae are among the first flowers to bloom (January--March or early April). Being small and inconspicuous, they are often overlooked (especially Draba reptans). Observations of Texas Arabideae are here. These species have been lumped and split, taxonomically; recently, all were in the genus Draba. The following characteristics vary, so documenting multiple characteristics will confirm the ID. Features to capture include:

  • side view of mature fruits (pods)
  • side view of flowering stem (pedicel) from top to bottom (with hairs in focus)
  • view of leaves

Also, young plants may be challenging or impossible to identify.

👉 Key and illustrated identification guide

*There is also a yellow-flowered species in Jeff Davis county (Trans-Pecos): Draba standleyi

由使用者 pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton2019年11月23日 15:59 所貼文


Thanks - I’ll be prepared for these this year!

發佈由 lisa281 超過 4 年 前

Whew. I remember trying to wrestle with Draba a while back and getting super confused... I think it was mostly youngsters that I was trying to ID (before fruits developed).

Anywho, great journal entry again, Russell! :) Thanks for curating these genera!

發佈由 sambiology 超過 4 年 前

Ahhh... I missed this post. It was probably during my forced holiday break. Bookmarking!

發佈由 kimberlietx 超過 4 年 前

Ah, thank you! I'm bookmarking, too!

發佈由 annikaml 超過 3 年 前

Just ran across this and it helped me with an identification recently, thank you for putting it together!

發佈由 scarletskylight 超過 1 年 前

Updated with an illustrated identification guide

發佈由 pfau_tarleton 超過 1 年 前

@pfau_tarleton Thank you for the updated guide with the photos! A great learning tool.

發佈由 scarletskylight 超過 1 年 前

Excellent guide! Thanks!

發佈由 bosqueaaron 超過 1 年 前


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