My own yard

Late this afternoon after a refreshing rain I decided to finally get outside. The last few days have been very cold so the balmy 40 degrees this afternoon was a pleasant surprise. Everything was beautifully decorated with rain drops and the smell of fresh earth was very refreshing. All the birds were singing and I was able to identify 17 species by sound and then I was able to see a view of them as they flew by. There were Yellow-rumped and Black-throated green warblers, Tufted titmice, Black-capped chickadees, a Eastern phoebe, Chimney swifts, American robin, American goldfinches, House finch, Hermit thrush, Northern cardinal, Bluejay, American crow, Mourning dove and a Ovenbird (who I almost got a picture of). I already knew that I had hairtop moss and a kind of spaghnum mosss, azure bluets, dandelions and violets but when I looked harder I was surprised to find that there were many other kinds of plants in my yard that I hadn't noticed before. I found a lichen called british soldier, mayflowers, low bush blueberry, wintergreen, serviceberry, little brown mushrooms, artists bracket and a mysterious flower. Also during my time outdoors I so happened to discover some insects because they wouldn't leave me alone. They were mostly black flies and mosquitos but there was a regular fly. I was also pleased to find my fuschia was blooming as well as my lilacs and my bleeding hearts are coming up again. I was surprised to find such biodiversity in just my yard and am excited to do more exploring. Who knows what I'll find?!

由使用者 jobird jobird2020年05月12日 00:20 所貼文


wonderful post - alot of diversity in your yard!

發佈由 maryjb 超過 4 年 前

You have so many different birds in your yard! I've been learning so much about my yard too, and finding delightful surprises in it. It's really so much fun.

發佈由 danivaill 超過 4 年 前

@danivaill Yes it is fascinating finding so many species. I never really knew how many birds I actually had until I listened. There has also been more species that have moved in since my neighbors cleared some land.

發佈由 jobird 超過 4 年 前


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